Three Ways to Build Momentum In Your Coaching Practice

If you’re feeling a lack of momentum in your coaching practice, you’re not alone. 

It pretty much happens to almost every coach we know. Things are seemingly going well, you’re attracting clients, you feel you’re really making an impact, and you love the people you’re working with, but it feels like something’s off

Maybe you’ve hit an income plateau, or your client load is feast or famine, or you’d love to add in new products and packages, but you don’t have time or energy. Perhaps you feel out of balance between work and living your life, and you have no idea how to restore a sense of peace.  

Three Ways to Build Momentum In Your Coaching Practice

Whatever your flavor of growing pains, it might be a sign you’re ready to scale your business! This article will help you see what might really be going on if your coaching practice isn’t where you want it to be and show you three ways to build momentum, starting today! 

Too hot? Too cold? Just right…! 

We speak to coaches all the time who confess they feel a bit like Goldilocks when it comes to their coaching practice. Either they have so many clients it’s hard to keep up, or their client load has trickled down to barely any, and they have to crank out the ol’ marketing machine, roll up their sleeves, and dance on Instagram to attract new clients. 

We get it, it can bring you to a screeching halt right after you felt like you were just finally zipping along. 

The fact is that all good things come to an end, and when you’re working with clients, eventually you come to a natural stopping point together, which then requires you to market yourself to fill their spot. 

But! There is a way to add new products and services without draining your time and energy! 

Having an offer in place that allows current clients to continue working with you, encourages them to refer others to you, and gives you an easy way to connect with past and future clients is key! 

A group coaching program offers an easy way to bring in old clients with a new offering, attract new clients (especially those who might not be able to afford to work with you 1:1), and get even more future clients. 

A group program gives you a reason to reach out to past clients and check in on them while offering them a lower-cost way to work with you again. It gives all those people on your email list a reason to take action and say “yes” while experiencing you in a group setting before committing to 1:1. 

It takes some of the legwork out of marketing, because, as you run more and more small groups, your “know, like, and trust” factor grows as more people experience you, and they start referring clients to you! This is gold. Your group members get to know your language and philosophy and a bit about your coaching style and can be more ready to dive into one-on-one work after experiencing you in a group. 

A group coaching program can expand your practice and give you the momentum you’re looking for.

Your Coaching Income Has Hit a Plateau

Despite all the marketing around earning 6-7 figures as a coach, the painful reality is that many coaches don’t hit their income goals and can often experience a plateau after they’ve been doing the work for awhile. You may have great clients, experience referrals, and get paid well, but there are only so many hours in the day and it’s seemingly impossible to add more 1:1 clients to your client load without burning out or sacrificing your boundaries. 

This frustration can cause you to feel a lack of balance in your life and business. You search for just the right tool, system, subcontractor, or automated tech to solve the problem, but you hit the same wall every time and realize the only way to grow your coaching income and scale your practice is to explore a different option. 

There are more people for you to reach and if you’ve hit an income plateau, it’s time to simplify your process to magnify your impact. 

Making the switch from 1:1 to working with groups or combining the two models together can help you to increase your income and keep it growing consistently. 

Let’s do some light math… 

Let’s assume your 12-week coaching package is $4,000 for a 1:1 client and you can comfortably take on and coach four clients at a given time. That’s $16,000 every three months and comes out to $64,000 a year. Not bad!

Now, imagine if you run small groups just six times a year (say, once every other month) with only five participants in each group who pay $300 each for the 6-week group program. You can increase your income by $9000 in a year, without needing to do as much work as you do with your 1:1 clients! 

This is just an example… of course you can increase the price of your small group coaching, along with the number of participants and you how often you run your groups. There really are endless income possibilities!

Running a small group program is a great way to expand your practice and provide you with an opportunity to increase your coaching income.

It’s Time to Work Your Way Out of This Standstill

A small group coaching program can help you easily and effectively increase your income and your impact and breathe new life into your coaching practice. You can stop trading hours for dollars and avoid burnout by scaling and serving even more clients! 

The energy of a group gives you even more fuel and momentum and gets you more excited about what you’re building and growing. Your clients see more results when working in a group as a community, which helps to increase compliance as individuals grow together. 

So… Are you reading this thinking, “Oh, my gosh, yes! Where do I get started in creating a group coaching program of my own!?” If so, we would love to help make these even easier for you. 

You can sit down and create a group program of your own. 

But you may hit another roadblock as it takes a significant amount of time, energy, effort, knowledge, and emotional resources to successfully create and implement it from start to finish. 

Not to mention, we’re back with the whole marketing conundrum. Starting from scratch can be a challenge and time and time again, many coaches who try never make it off the ground and launch their program. 

However, when you choose to license a solid, proven, ready-made program, you will have something that allows you to get started right away, overcomes questions and obstacles you might have by providing you with all the tools and resources you need, and helps you to efficiently market it and reach out to share with members of your community. 

You can grow your practice, have fun doing it, and gain tons of momentum while bringing in new clients with a new offering! 

Think that offering a group program might be right for you and help you regain momentum in your coaching practice? Learn more about the Healthy Habits for Life program HERE and start making massive leaps to scaling your coaching practice today! 

This is a group program that’s ready for you to use to attract more clients with less effort.